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NORA Strategy 2023-2026

NORA´s strategy for 2023–2026 outlines our goals as an organization, as well as our vision, mission and ambition for the following years. Join us as we embark on the journey towards developing artificial intelligence to benefit humanity and the world we live in.

NORA's ambition

International recognition of Norwegian AI research, education and innovation

Excellence in AI research, education and innovation

NORA's mission

  • Advance national and international cooperation in AI
  • Advance collaboration between academia and other sectors
  • Promote ethical AI
  • Serve as a national access point for AI

NORA's Strategic Goals

  • Strengthen Norway´s research policy and commitment to AI
  • Position Norwegian AI internationally
  • Strengthen Norwegian AI research
  • Stengthen AI education and training
  • Strengthen Norwegian AI innovation
  • Facilitate open science and innovation
  • Promote ethical AI, AI for sustainability and diversity in AI
  • Add value through collaboration and development of NORA

To strengthen Norway’s research policy and national commitment to AI, NORA will:

  • Offer guidance and scientific advice on AI-related matters to Norwegian government agencies
  • Participate in relevant national and international committees and forums where it will further national interests
  • Participate in governmental working groups where it will benefit national interests
  • Organize relevant AI delegations
  • Engage in international AI policy networks

To position Norwegian AI internationally, NORA will:

  • Build strong relations with selected international organizations and networks within AI
  • Organize international conferences and be visible at larger international conferences
  • Seek to develop international AI networks in Norway’s best interest
  • Develop competence on EU policies, programs and processes to the benefit for Norwegian institutions and the Norwegian government
  • Facilitate international research collaborations

Read NORA's strategy