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PRESIMAL Autumn Research School in Medical AI

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The PRESIMAL autumn research school in medical AI will take place 18 – 20 September 2024 at Ørland Kysthotell just outside Trondheim. 

The Research School is open to all Ph.D. candidates, postdocs, master students, and clinical researchers in Norway, but we have limited places, so register early! First come, first served.

The program is filled with exciting and inspiring (inter)national speakers and workshop facilitators from the AI research forefront! There will also be ample opportunities to network with peers in your own research field.

The Research School takes care of accommodation costs and hotel bookings for everyone 18–20 September. The registration is binding, with a participation fee of only NOK 500 – covering your food and stay for all three days of the program. Participants must cover their own travelling costs to Trondheim or Ørland airport.

All participants must submit an abstract by the 19th of August, by e-mail to samuel.kuttner@uit.no. The abstracts will be selected for oral presentation or poster presentation at the Research School, and we will confirm this by the 26th of August.

Among early career researchers, there will also be awards for the best abstract (including oral and/or poster presentation): two prizes will be handed out, each consisting of a travel grant of 5000 NOK for an up-coming scientific meeting. 


For more information and registration, please go to the research school website.

See you there!


Publisert 13. juni 2024 12:37 - Sist endret 13. juni 2024 13:13