Workshop - Identifying key challenges in AI Security for Norway

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The Norwegian government has announced a strategic effort on AI research that will lead to the establishment of 4-6 research centres on AI. There have been, and still is, a lot of discussion about the focus of this research effort. However, security has not been a prominent topic in this discussion.

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We believe there is a need to bring together the Norwegian community on cyber security in order to discuss what are the most relevant research challenges within the topic of AI security and bring that into the discussion. An outcome of the workshop may also be a proposal for an AI research centre focusing on security. For that purpose we are inviting you to this workshop, which is organised by the Nora Special Interest Group (SIG) on AI Security and hosted by Simula Research Lab. The leader of the Nora SIG on AI Security is Lillian Røstad, CEO of Simula Research Lab.
Objectives of the workshop:
To discuss key research challenges related to AI security.
To identify collaboration potential for an AI research centre on security.
Outcome of the workshop:
A brief stating the key research challenges within AI and security.
We invite you to register for the workshop and/or suggest a short talk (max 15 minutes) on what you consider to be the most important research challenges within AI security.

The workshop will be organised as a round-table with introductory short presentations and a group discussion.

To propose a talk send an email to:, deadline: April 2nd

Publisert 13. mars 2024 15:37 - Sist endret 5. apr. 2024 15:43