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NeuroAI is an emerging field at the intersection of brain sciences and artificial intelligence and is expected to become a large research field in the years to come. The main promise of NeuroAI is that by understanding how the brain and biological neural networks compute, it will be possible to identify the key components of human intelligence to drive the development of a more energy-efficient and flexible artificial intelligence (AI) that will match, or perhaps even surpass, human intelligence. NeuroAI is a truly multidisciplinary effort, spanning across several disciplines such as computer science, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, law, and ethics.  Norway has unique world-class expertise in brain sciences and a fast-growing, well-organized AI community at the highest international level.

In this opinion article, it is argued that Norway has a few competitive advantages within NeuroAI and that Norway has the ideal ecosystem to take a leading role in NeuroAI initiatives in Europe. Norwegian investments in NeuroAI may then be a strategic initiative to position Norway at the forefront of AI research worldwide.

With this as a background, we have established NeuroAI Norway as a special interest group (SIG). A first meeting was held at Simula on January 24th. We are open for the Norwegian community to take part in this SIG. To receive information and invitations from the SIG and become a member of this group, please register at the bottom of the page.

Events & Workshops: 

NeuroAI Workshop - NORA Annual Conference

Date: June 5th, 2024

Location: University of Agder, Campus Kristiansand, B2 014

Click here for more information and to register. 


Previous events & Workshops: 

Young NeuroAI Workshop, December 15th, 2024, NMBU

NORA Annual Conference 2023 - Neuro AI Workshop

Launch of the Neuro AI Special Interest Group, January 24th, 2023 at Simula. 

The steering committee:

Stefano Nichele,

Professor, HiØ, stefano.nichele@hiof.no

Solve Sæbø

Professor, NMBU, solve.sabo@nmbu.no

Mikkel Lepperød

Research Scientist, Simula, mikkel@simula.no

Klas Pettersen

CEO, NORA, klas.pettersen@nora.ai

Mia-Katrin Ose Kvalsund Doctoral Research Fellow, UiO, m.k.o.kvalsund@fys.uio.no
Tor Stensola Associate Professor, UiA, tor.stensola@uia.no



Stefano Nichele


Solve Sæbø


Yasser Roudi


Mikkel Lepperød 


Anders Malthe-Sørensen 


Marianne Fyhn 


Gaute Einevoll 


Rune Enger 


Hans Ekkehard Plesser 


Jonathan Whitlock 


Gustavo Moreno Mello 


Jim Tørresen 


Kai Olav Ellefsen 


Keith Downing 


Benjamin Dunn 


Gunnar Tufte 


Einar Duenger Bohn 


Roland Olsson 


Rafael Borrajo


Ali Muhtaroglu


Alexander Stasik SINTEF

*For questions, please write to the steering committee.

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- Presentation of NeuroAI by Konrad Kording

- Presentation by Stefano Nichele

- NeuroAI - A strategic opportunity for Norway and Europe (article). 

Publisert 13. feb. 2024 09:44 - Sist endret 5. juli 2024 13:46