New machine learning tool can discover immune receptors that react to many different antigens

Once you know how it works for one disease, immuneML can make diagnostic tools for other types of diseases as well.

Grafisk fremstilling av DNA struktur

Different diseases have different methods for testing if a person has the disease or not.immuneML, a new open source machine learning platform, can potentially look for a lot of diseases in just one blood sample.

“Once you know how it works for one disease, it can be very easy to make diagnostic tools for other types of diseases as well,” says Lonneke Scheffer.

“From a blood sample, we hope to be able to diagnose if a person has a disease or not. On the individual receptor level we want to see if that one specific receptor is specific to corona or to something else,” says Milena Pavlovic.

Scheffer and Pavlovic are Doctoral Research Fellows at Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo. They are part of the Research Group for Biomedical Informatics, where they have developed immuneML.

Read more about their groundbreaking work at


This articles was originally published on the 3rd of February, 2022.

Publisert 12. des. 2023 19:17 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00