NORA Annual Conference 2023

We are excited to announce that the NORA Annual Conference 2023 will take place on the 5-6th of June 2023 in Tromsø at the beautiful Scandic Ishavshotel! The conference will coincide with the midnight sun, which is a natural phenomenon whereas the sun doesn't set. The conference dinner will be hosted at Fjellheisen, the perfect location to bear witness to this unique phenomenon.

The NORA Annual Conference 2023 will be a central event for AI researchers in Norway, organized on a national level by Norwegian Universities, University Colleges and Research Institutions. The Annual Conference 2023 marks the third time the NORA consortium partners come together to organize a conference in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.  

The conference promises keynotes delivered by prominent researchers, panel debates, oral and poster presentations from members of the AI community. We will also be giving out the prestigious NORA Awards. The NORA Annual Conference 2023 has more in stall, as it is collaborating with the NOBIM conference, which will take place on the 7-8th of June at Thon Hotel in Tromsø. The Annual Conference 2023 also coincides with the first annual summer school hosted by the NORA Norwegian AI Research School. 

NORA Awards

The NORA Annual Conference 2023 marks the second year that NORA gives awards to recognise exceptional efforts of individuals and actors in the Norwegian AI community throughout the year. NORA will give out 6 awards, namely NORA Award for Lifetime Achievement, NORA Award for Distinguished Early-Career Investigator, NORA Award for AI Community Building and Education, NORA Award for Diversity in AI, NORA Award for Outstanding Publication of the Decade 2011 – 2021 and the NORA.startup Award. Nominations for the awards will be evaluated by the Program Committee. The Program Committee will consider all nominations and produce a list of recommended winners in each category for the NORA board to consider. The awards will be given out at the NORA Annual Conference during the conference dinner, which will take place at Fjellheisen. 

For more information, and to nominate candidates, click here

Call for Abstracts: 

We encourage all researchers from partner universities, college campuses and research institutes to submit abstracts. Your research should be linked with the topic of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics. The purpose of Annual Conference is to provide a platform where partners can share research, ideas, theories, models and new perspectives, and interact with peers from the field.

The deadline to submit abstracts is March 12th, 2023. For more information, click here

The NORA.startup track

The NORA Annual Conference will continue with its tradition of having a NORA.startup segment, where we invite members of NORA.startup to submit abstracts for oral presentations. The abstracts should relate to ongoing or completed research-based innovation and be presented as scientific/technical contributions. Startups can also register to have a stand at the conference. The stands will be open on both days of the conference. Our invited keynotes and researchers from partner universities will then be able to visit the stands and chat with the respective owners of the stand during breaks and the Poster Session. 

For more information, click here

National Conference on image processing and machine learning (NOBIM) 2023 

The NOBIM conference will take place in Tromsø at the Thon Hotel Polar from the 7-8th of June. NOBIM is a professional forum for image processing and machine learning. NOBIM covers all topics in image processing and machine learning and creates a meeting place between those who develop scientific methods and those who are looking for solutions for specific problems. 

Important dates: 

  • Abstract submission deadline: 15th of April 2023 
  • Author feedback: 15th of May 2023
  • Registration deadline: 31st of May 2023

For more information and to see call for abstract, click here

NORA Norwegian AI Research School Summer School 

The NORA Annual Conference 2023 also coincides with the first NORA Norwegian AI Research School Annual Summer School, which will be hosted in Tromsø on the 12-16th of June. A call for courses was circulated amongst consortium partners, and the research school received 10 proposals for courses. Four courses are selected and will be held as intensive courses after the annual conference. The courses will give 5 credits each and will happen as a sequence of two parallel tracks. The summer school set up should make it possible for any participating student to attend two courses and obtain 10 credits.  For an overview over the courses, please see below. Information about the summer school will shortly become available on the NORA Research School website


Course organiser

Interpretability in Deep Learning

Dilip K. Prasad, Associate professor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway 

Robust, Safe and Interpretable AI Model Development 

Ferhat Ozgur Catak Associate Professor of Cyber Security, University of Stavanger, Norway. 

Self-Supervised Learning 

Michael Kampffmeyer , Associate Professor, University of Tromsø UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

Optimization algorithms: Theory and large scale applications 

Tuyen Trung Truong, Associate Professor, University of Oslo 


This articles was originally published on the 19th of December, 2022.

Publisert 12. des. 2023 20:01 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00