Stronger collaboration ties with the UiB

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting the UiB AI Lab at the offices in Oslo. We had great discussions on AI, our activities, and future stronger collaboration.

Prorektor og leder av styringsgruppen for UiB AI, Pinar Heggernes, og daglig leder i NORA, Klas Henning Pettersen. Foto/ill.: Odd Vegard Kandal-Wright, UiB

Prorektor og leder av styringsgruppen for UiB AI, Pinar Heggernes, og daglig leder i NORA, Klas Henning Pettersen. Foto/ill.: Odd Vegard Kandal-Wright, UiB

- Artificial intelligence is an area that spreads across all parts of society. We have specialist communities across the university that work on various issues related to AI, and we want to make it more visible and collaborate even more closely with others on everything that is happening. The fact that we are a member of NORA is a strength in this work, says the prorector and head of the steering group at UiB AI, Pinar Heggernes.

The University of Bergen (UiB) has been a critical player in the development of since its inception. The two institutions have enjoyed a close collaboration from the beginning. Pinar Heggernes was NORA's first board leader. The current chairperson of is Inge Jonassen, who is also the head of the Department of Informatics at UiB. Marija Slavkovik from UiB is the leader of the Education Council at Lastly, the Annual Conference was held last year in Bergen, and AI startups in Bergen play a significant role in NORA.startup. 

We look forward to continued and more substantial cooperation in the future.

Please read the article published by UiB.


This articles was originally published on the 21st of November, 2022.

Publisert 12. des. 2023 19:52 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00