The Nordic AI Meet 2022 was a great success! Next year, we will be in Copenhagen!

After days of exciting and informative keynotes, research presentations, poster sessions and discussions, the Nordic AI Meet 2022 (14 – 15 November 2022) was successfully concluded.

Many thanks to all the participants and supporters of the 2nd edition of the Nordic AI Meet!

Nordic AI Meet started as a joint initiative of NORA and CLAIRE, financially supported by the Research Council of Norway. It has created a framework for all major AI networks of the Nordics to collaborate and build a truly Nordic AI Research exchange platform for young researchers.

Morten Irgens / CLAIRE and Klas Pettersen/NORA opening the Nordic AI Meet 2022
Morten Irgens/CLAIRE and Klas Pettersen/NORA opening the Nordic AI Meet 2022

The Nordic AI Meet gathered over 130 participants from all over the Nordics to discuss AI topics, exchange ideas, build collaborations and form a Nordic approach towards building AI research and solutions for the societal good.

“This year the conference was established as a truly Nordic event, with the decision to alternate the event between the Nordic countries. This surely establish the Nordic AI meet as the most important Nordic platform for collaboration between future researchers and innovators within the field of AI. There are so many excellent young AI researchers in Nordic countries! In a few years, the Nordic countries will harvest the fruits of this scientific community building”. Klas Pettersen, CEO, NORA

The Nordic AI Meet saw four prominent keynotes, 18 oral presentations from early career researchers, five presentations from startups and Norwegian companies, scientific posters, panel debates, a #MunchAI generative art competition and a visit to the new Munchmuseet.

Anders C. Hansen, a professor at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oslo, started the meeting by provoking the crowd: "Have we been focusing too much on the 'wonders of AI?'. He explained many of the limits of deep learning, showed many examples of decision problems, and drew the line back to Gödel. Furthermore, based on his work, he showed how deep learning algorithms are unstable, can hallucinate and that algorithms may be non-computational. Anders was followed by excellent keynotes from Amy Loutfi, a professor in Information Technology at Örebro University and Nitin Sawhney, leader of CRAI-CIS at Aalto University. The last keynote was from Christian Igel, a professor at the University of Copenhagen. He ended his talk with a clear message: Let’s work on AI systems that help to reach the Sustainability Development Goals!

Anders Hansen presenting his work at the Nordic AI Meet 2022
Prof. Anders C. Hansen, University of Cambridge and UiO


Prof. Amy Loutfi, Örebro University (via Zoom)
Nitin Sawhney, Aalto University
Nitin Sawhney, Aalto University
Christian Igel presenting his work at the Nordic AI Meet 2022
Prof. Christian Igel, University of Copenhagen

Keynotes presenting their work at the Nordic AI Meet 2022

In the evening, all participants were invited to a banquet dinner at the Clarion Hotel where the winners of the FishAI Sustainable Commercial Fishing Competition were announced. We congratulate Team Poseidon for taking the first place and Team FishMaze for taking second place. To read more about the competitions and the teams, click here.

One of the most important aspects of the Nordic AI Meet conference is to provide a platform for young researchers to showcase their work. By doing this, we hope to encourage more young people to enter the field of AI research and continue to push the boundaries of what is possible. We had an excellent lineup of oral and poster presentations. Many congratulations to Maxim Khomiakov (DTU) for winning the Nordic AI Meet 2022 Best Oral Presentation award with his presentation on "Learning to Generate Building Roofs from Single-View Aerial Imagery". Many congrats also go to Andrea Marheim Storås (SimulaMet) for winning the Nordic AI Meet Best Poster Presentation and to Aurora Grefsrud (HVL) for winning the #MunchAI generative art competition!

Maxim Khomiakov winner of the best oral presentation at Nordic AI Meet 2022
Maxim Khomiakov winner of the best oral presentation at Nordic AI Meet 2022


Andrea Marheim Storås winner of the best poster at Nordic AI Meet 2022
Andrea Marheim Storås winner of the best poster at Nordic AI Meet 2022
One of the winning teams of the FishAI competition at the Nordic AI meet 2022
One of the winning teams of the FishAI competition at the Nordic AI meet 2022
Winning Image from the #MunchAI Competition. The text prompt for the image was ´A female scientist sitting inside the ATLAS detector watching particles collide in bursts of color, painted in the style of Edvard Munch´
Winning Image from the #MunchAI Competition by Aurora Grefsrud. The text prompt for the image was ´A female scientist sitting inside the ATLAS detector watching particles collide in bursts of color, painted in the style of Edvard Munch´

Christian Igel announced in his talk that the next edition of the Nordic AI Meet will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the 2nd and 3rd of October, 2023. The Pioneer Centre for AI is organizing the upcoming edition of the Nordic AI Meet in collaboration with and representatives from other Nordic countries.

Christian Igel presenting his work at the Nordic AI Meet 2022
Prof. Christian Igel, University of Copenhagen

“This event is noteworthy both for bringing together the AI community from across the Nordics and for its focus on career success for young researchers. We are delighted that the Nordic AI Meet is coming to Copenhagen in 2023, and the Pioneer Centre for AI looks forward to co-organizing the event with our brilliant colleagues from NORA.” Serge Belongie, Head of the Pioneer Centre.

This articles was originally published on the 29th of November, 2022.

Publisert 12. des. 2023 19:58 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00