UiB coordinates efforts on Artificial Intelligence

The University of Bergen has some of Norway´s strongest research groups in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The field has long traditions at UiB, and now the broad research and educational efforts within AI will be highlighted through the launch of «UiB AI».

In addition to strong research environments, the University of Bergen has several bachelor's and master's programs distributed among different faculties in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Through UiB AI, the university wants to coordinate and make visible the broad research in basic and applied Artificial Intelligence that takes place at the university.

- Artificial Intelligence is about developing and using systems that can automate tasks that require intelligence, especially when it comes to interpreting and drawing conclusions from large amounts of data, says Pinar Heggernes, Vice-Rector at UiB and head of the steering group for UiB AI.

Read more at uib.no


This articles was originally published on the 22nd of February, 2022.

Av Odd Vegard Kandal-Wright
Publisert 12. des. 2023 19:20 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00