NORA Women in AI 2022

Happy International Women's Day!

In 2023 - we launched a new overview on the 8th of March in 2023! For an updated overview over the Women in AI - visit AI! 

In NORA, we actively strive to improve the position of and increase the visibility of women within the field of AI. By increasing the visibility of women actively contributing in the field of AI in Norway, we aim to inspire a more inclusive agenda within the otherwise male-dominated field of AI, to ensure equality for future generations. Our goal is to bring awareness by promoting female role models, and by portraying the breadth of opportunities for AI in society at large. 

Last year, we created a list of Female role models changing the field of Artificial Intelligence in Norway. The article, listing 74 women in Norway working within the field of AI, has increased the visibility of Norwegian women in the field. The article has been used as a reference tool by various organizations who wish to include more female experts in discussions and on panels, to ensure that gender and diversity is reflected in debates.

This year, we want to expand this list and in addition, we want to more broadly and actively engage and reach out to our network. We have therefore asked female researchers, public sector representatives, industry representatives and startup founders in the NORA network to provide short videos providing answers to three questions:

  1. What excites you about working in AI?
  2. Why is it important for more women to get involved in AI?
  3. What advice would you like to give women who are pursuing their careers in AI? 

In addition, we asked for written interviews to complement their short video. You can watch the individual videos and access the written interviews by clicking on our candidate's name in the sidebar! 



Want to contribute with a video and written interview? Email Birte Hansen ( for further instructions!

We are continuously working on expanding our list of women in AI in Norway. If you wish to nominate candidates who are currently not present on the list, please do not hesitate to email, and we will make sure to include their profile and bio on the list! 


"Hvilket kjønn har AI"? - Camilla Brekke, Prorektor UiT, Debatt, Klassekampen

                             Happy International Women's Day!

Publisert 8. mars 2022 08:43 - Sist endret 9. feb. 2024 10:00